Saturday, 27 August 2011

State of your Iman

Alhamdolillah we are in the beautiful and merciful month of Ramadan, to which no parable exists! Also, this is a time we strive to do more good than we do in other months (partially cuz the shaytans are tied up!). For a lot of us, that means establishing salah SubhanAllah. Salah, prayer or namaz is a basic pillar of Islam and we only regulate it during Ramadan (if even that)?
What is a pillar? In this dunya, we see many buildings being constructed SubhanAllah - what is the purpose of a pillar? It is part of the foundation of any structure, without which you cannot build and if you somehow do manage to - the structure will not survive. So when one learned Salah was a basic "pillar" of Islam; one can well imagine the state of one's Iman (structure) if they havent established Salah. I will not go into details of why i keep saying established - thats Inshallah another post :))
Also think about this - for those of you who are feeling very smug that "i pray regularly, i'm good"... Salah is a pillar, meaning that you need to build a structure now that you got the pillars down. What would you say if you saw just pillars standing in the middle of nowhere? Would it be something like "What a great building/structure?" OR "Whats this about now? people leaving their work half-done"
So thats exactly what your iman looks like If you are practicing the 5 pillars but not using the strength of those pillars to further you iman - Half-done. Its time to look at what more you can do in the way of Allah, in the way of the deen of our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW.
For those who dont pray (ps: praying a couple times a day or sometimes, is considered not praying); Wallahi the people of the deeper levels of hell fire will be asked, what did you do to end up here? They will say we were not among those who established salah. Allahu Akbar - May Allah help us to save ourselves from hellfire.


  1. A lot muslims dun realise the value of Salah. It is the only way of communicating with Allah.

  2. Yes, you are right brother Khaleel - we must pray for ourselves and our brothers in deen so that they may turn to Allah SWT Inshallah. thank you for your comment
