Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Fast & Furious

I was just explained a verse in the Qur'an quite differently and felt i should share the wisdom :)
Surah Aale Imran Verse 114 defines the attributes of the "Saaliheen" (pious do-gooders) and it mentions wa-yusaari'oona  fil khayraat - those who rush towards doing good. Its fairly simple to understand, but like i said i was given a different perspective on it.
1. Those who do good for the sake of Allah, cannot procastinate and be lazy - they need to be fast. They cant dilly dally, they need to run! Procastination doesnt get results, doesnt demonstrate determined behaviour. Hence we should take another advice from the same surah; to follow through in the path of Allah when we have decided to do something.
2. When you are not working in the way of Allah, or striving in His way - you still manage to spend the day and say "I got no time". So when you ARE working in His way, you defiinitely will be rushing because now you have to accomodate the same day where had no time and add what you are doing now!
See told you it was different. SubhanAllah! May we be of the Fast and the Furious Saliheen Ameen.

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