Monday, 15 August 2011


I was struck by a sad yet very true realisation today - most of my family and many of my friends do not know what the Quran says! I just realised they may read the arabic text and must have been reading it since they knew how to read - but have no idea of its commandments... and they may die in that state!! Qur'an is the book of Allah, its the written guidance that He the Almighty chose for us so we may better our life and akhirah. This is the code of life, the source of all knowledge. This is the word of Allah which the prophet (saw ) strove day and night to establish; for which the sahaba laid down their lives. Muslims are required to know its every word like it was the only thing worth living for - and we dont even bother to find out what it means! Are we even surprised at our state of affairs now, when we have abandoned Allah's guidance.
To every Muslim out there - i love you for the sake of Allah and thats why your ignorance worries me so. I, too was where you may be now and Alhamdolillah bi iznillah, turned to Allah. Its never too late to turn back, but please do; before life, health, time runs out.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel... May we all read, understand the follow what this Noble Quran teaches us, The Deen. Ameen!
