Like a lot of you out there,i too held a strong desire to do da'wa; even when i didnt know how to or whom to. Initially i held back because i felt i needed to more ilm (knowledge) and before i knew it, i had transformed into a "nobody". Lesson 1: You never stay stagnant, either you grow or regress. Lesson 2: Da'wa doesnt need degrees upon degrees in Islam. The Prophet SAW said we must give dawa even if by one kalimah (word). When you think you cant say anything "just yet", its shaytan stopping you (do i really need to tell you why). Lesson 3: Knowledge grows when you spread it - you hold steadfast to what you preach and you find more opportunities to learn.
So the next challenge was whom to give da'wa to? This will differ for everyone. But needless to say it starts from your inner circle. Think of it like you have a special treat, who would you share it with? Here's a footnote: you must have true concern for those you preach.
I started feeling it may be easier to give da'wa to muslims, who are eager to listen or to those who atleast respect the information and you generally have a soft spot for loved ones and Muslims in general- but what about non-muslims? Now, since i'm a female active da'wa to non-muslims is not really in my realm of responsibilities but for all those for whom it is, this may help. It was a little unimaginable, for me atleast, to have real concern (of akhirah) for my non-muslim grocer/neighbor/bus driver and i was praying to Allah that i somehow develop this well-wishing attitude. You know what helped? and this is ironic - da'wa. yep! i recently handed a da'wa CD to a neighbor who i am not all that fond of and i didnt even realise it till weeks later that i dont dislike him as much now. SubhanAllah, that is the power of Da'wa.
FINAL LESSON: Spread the word and it will soften you heart, Inshallah!!
Well done!