Just read this somewhere: Which is the best nation?..... wait for it..... Do-nation... lolz. But you got to agree with the brother, eh?
Muslims have been instructed by Allah again and again to spend from their wealth, so much so that charity is made a basic pillar of Islam. Allah says in Surah Aal Imran verse 92 that you can never attain piety till you sacrifice what you love most in the way of Allah. This is a very strong statement from Allah SWT - as a person of Iman, one is striving to attain piety; but Allah clearly says you got to spend what you love most. Afterall Allah is the one who gave it to us, all He is really asking is you spend it wisely!
We need to think what we love most, or what any person loves most? His children, his wealth, his sleep, his free time, etc. What Allah is instructing us to do is utilise all our resources in His way. Our attitude should be such that we seek chances of spending for our deen; may it be helping other people, funding a mosque, feeding the hungry, sponsoring an orphan. SubhanAllah, we should never let go of even one opportunity to give, even if it is one cent! Don't think if this organization is authentic or if the help will really reach the people - your intention is to please Allah, so give and if Allah wills the needy will be helped.
Way too many times i have seen people questioning the motives and operations of charity organizations, and i understand the frustration when help doesn't reach the needy. Think, however, Allah was testing you to see if you availed every chance or gave in to suspicions put in you by Shaytan - did you pass that test? If you believe in Allah in all His Glory, then you know you cant drink that next sip of water if Allah hasnt willed it for you. Same is true for the needy, Allah will help them when the time for their test to end has come - meanwhile you and i are both being tested - so give, anywhere and everywhere. Intend to please Allah and it is His promise and the prophet SAW's promise that your wealth will never reduce and will be returned to you manifold!
This blog is a journal of my observations. Its definitely cathartic but I hope its also beneficial to the readers. All faults [in here] are my own and all good is from the source of all good - Allah. Let's begin. Bismillah...
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Saturday, 27 August 2011
State of your Iman
Alhamdolillah we are in the beautiful and merciful month of Ramadan, to which no parable exists! Also, this is a time we strive to do more good than we do in other months (partially cuz the shaytans are tied up!). For a lot of us, that means establishing salah SubhanAllah. Salah, prayer or namaz is a basic pillar of Islam and we only regulate it during Ramadan (if even that)?
What is a pillar? In this dunya, we see many buildings being constructed SubhanAllah - what is the purpose of a pillar? It is part of the foundation of any structure, without which you cannot build and if you somehow do manage to - the structure will not survive. So when one learned Salah was a basic "pillar" of Islam; one can well imagine the state of one's Iman (structure) if they havent established Salah. I will not go into details of why i keep saying established - thats Inshallah another post :))
Also think about this - for those of you who are feeling very smug that "i pray regularly, i'm good"... Salah is a pillar, meaning that you need to build a structure now that you got the pillars down. What would you say if you saw just pillars standing in the middle of nowhere? Would it be something like "What a great building/structure?" OR "Whats this about now? people leaving their work half-done"
So thats exactly what your iman looks like If you are practicing the 5 pillars but not using the strength of those pillars to further you iman - Half-done. Its time to look at what more you can do in the way of Allah, in the way of the deen of our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW.
For those who dont pray (ps: praying a couple times a day or sometimes, is considered not praying); Wallahi the people of the deeper levels of hell fire will be asked, what did you do to end up here? They will say we were not among those who established salah. Allahu Akbar - May Allah help us to save ourselves from hellfire.
What is a pillar? In this dunya, we see many buildings being constructed SubhanAllah - what is the purpose of a pillar? It is part of the foundation of any structure, without which you cannot build and if you somehow do manage to - the structure will not survive. So when one learned Salah was a basic "pillar" of Islam; one can well imagine the state of one's Iman (structure) if they havent established Salah. I will not go into details of why i keep saying established - thats Inshallah another post :))
Also think about this - for those of you who are feeling very smug that "i pray regularly, i'm good"... Salah is a pillar, meaning that you need to build a structure now that you got the pillars down. What would you say if you saw just pillars standing in the middle of nowhere? Would it be something like "What a great building/structure?" OR "Whats this about now? people leaving their work half-done"
So thats exactly what your iman looks like If you are practicing the 5 pillars but not using the strength of those pillars to further you iman - Half-done. Its time to look at what more you can do in the way of Allah, in the way of the deen of our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW.
For those who dont pray (ps: praying a couple times a day or sometimes, is considered not praying); Wallahi the people of the deeper levels of hell fire will be asked, what did you do to end up here? They will say we were not among those who established salah. Allahu Akbar - May Allah help us to save ourselves from hellfire.
Monday, 15 August 2011
I was struck by a sad yet very true realisation today - most of my family and many of my friends do not know what the Quran says! I just realised they may read the arabic text and must have been reading it since they knew how to read - but have no idea of its commandments... and they may die in that state!! Qur'an is the book of Allah, its the written guidance that He the Almighty chose for us so we may better our life and akhirah. This is the code of life, the source of all knowledge. This is the word of Allah which the prophet (saw ) strove day and night to establish; for which the sahaba laid down their lives. Muslims are required to know its every word like it was the only thing worth living for - and we dont even bother to find out what it means! Are we even surprised at our state of affairs now, when we have abandoned Allah's guidance.
To every Muslim out there - i love you for the sake of Allah and thats why your ignorance worries me so. I, too was where you may be now and Alhamdolillah bi iznillah, turned to Allah. Its never too late to turn back, but please do; before life, health, time runs out.
To every Muslim out there - i love you for the sake of Allah and thats why your ignorance worries me so. I, too was where you may be now and Alhamdolillah bi iznillah, turned to Allah. Its never too late to turn back, but please do; before life, health, time runs out.
Monday, 8 August 2011
Mandatory Vs Voluntary
So, here's a situation: your teacher at school or boss at work has given you a project. This project will be used to determine your achievement level; may it be a grade or promotion. You have also been given the criteria you will judged on: one criterion is that which is mandatory, without which the project is invalid and the second criterion includes items which are not mandatory and these will give you "brownie points"; they may be the deciding factor between an A or A+.
You and a friend begin work on your individual projects. You are not too concerned about the criteria and randomly include all information relevant to the project you can get your hands on. Also you are a glitzy person, so you beautify your folder, use different technologies and add files upon files of info. To an onlooker, you are working ferociously and they tell you maybe you will be winner.
Your friend on the other hand, spent his time getting the mandatory criteria fulfilled. Once he was sure he had all the required elements down pat; he moved on to work on brownie points. Obviously, he had spent a big chunk of his time with the first part of the project so he isnt left with a lot of time for the second and time comes to submit.
The project is evaluated. Who do you think made it?
This is the situation of life, my friend. Allah has told you clearly the criteria you will be judged on. Until you fulfill your mandate, any effort is INVALID. So, if you're giving charity but not zakah, if you're helping your friends but not your relatives, if you're working honestly but are disobedient to your parents; if you are praying salatul tasbih every thursday but miss your fard prayers regularly; if you are staying up in the nights of Qadr but dont even pray Isha in your regular nights, if you are abstaining from food and drink during ramadan but do not asbtain from mixing freely with the opposite sex for "iftaars", if you pray but your aurah/satr is not covered properly... I'm afraid Allah SWT will deem your life a failed project.
Please my friends, lets focus on finding out what are the mandatory elements that will take us in to Jannah and without which all our other efforts may just be building castles in the air. Allah says again and again the Day of Judgement will be a day of regrets: those who did good, will wish they had done more and those who didnt do good, will wish they could go back if for a day so they can fulfill their fards!! But there will be no going back for anyone. THAT is eternity.
You and a friend begin work on your individual projects. You are not too concerned about the criteria and randomly include all information relevant to the project you can get your hands on. Also you are a glitzy person, so you beautify your folder, use different technologies and add files upon files of info. To an onlooker, you are working ferociously and they tell you maybe you will be winner.
Your friend on the other hand, spent his time getting the mandatory criteria fulfilled. Once he was sure he had all the required elements down pat; he moved on to work on brownie points. Obviously, he had spent a big chunk of his time with the first part of the project so he isnt left with a lot of time for the second and time comes to submit.
The project is evaluated. Who do you think made it?
This is the situation of life, my friend. Allah has told you clearly the criteria you will be judged on. Until you fulfill your mandate, any effort is INVALID. So, if you're giving charity but not zakah, if you're helping your friends but not your relatives, if you're working honestly but are disobedient to your parents; if you are praying salatul tasbih every thursday but miss your fard prayers regularly; if you are staying up in the nights of Qadr but dont even pray Isha in your regular nights, if you are abstaining from food and drink during ramadan but do not asbtain from mixing freely with the opposite sex for "iftaars", if you pray but your aurah/satr is not covered properly... I'm afraid Allah SWT will deem your life a failed project.
Please my friends, lets focus on finding out what are the mandatory elements that will take us in to Jannah and without which all our other efforts may just be building castles in the air. Allah says again and again the Day of Judgement will be a day of regrets: those who did good, will wish they had done more and those who didnt do good, will wish they could go back if for a day so they can fulfill their fards!! But there will be no going back for anyone. THAT is eternity.
Friday, 5 August 2011
Like a lot of you out there,i too held a strong desire to do da'wa; even when i didnt know how to or whom to. Initially i held back because i felt i needed to more ilm (knowledge) and before i knew it, i had transformed into a "nobody". Lesson 1: You never stay stagnant, either you grow or regress. Lesson 2: Da'wa doesnt need degrees upon degrees in Islam. The Prophet SAW said we must give dawa even if by one kalimah (word). When you think you cant say anything "just yet", its shaytan stopping you (do i really need to tell you why). Lesson 3: Knowledge grows when you spread it - you hold steadfast to what you preach and you find more opportunities to learn.
So the next challenge was whom to give da'wa to? This will differ for everyone. But needless to say it starts from your inner circle. Think of it like you have a special treat, who would you share it with? Here's a footnote: you must have true concern for those you preach.
I started feeling it may be easier to give da'wa to muslims, who are eager to listen or to those who atleast respect the information and you generally have a soft spot for loved ones and Muslims in general- but what about non-muslims? Now, since i'm a female active da'wa to non-muslims is not really in my realm of responsibilities but for all those for whom it is, this may help. It was a little unimaginable, for me atleast, to have real concern (of akhirah) for my non-muslim grocer/neighbor/bus driver and i was praying to Allah that i somehow develop this well-wishing attitude. You know what helped? and this is ironic - da'wa. yep! i recently handed a da'wa CD to a neighbor who i am not all that fond of and i didnt even realise it till weeks later that i dont dislike him as much now. SubhanAllah, that is the power of Da'wa.
FINAL LESSON: Spread the word and it will soften you heart, Inshallah!!
So the next challenge was whom to give da'wa to? This will differ for everyone. But needless to say it starts from your inner circle. Think of it like you have a special treat, who would you share it with? Here's a footnote: you must have true concern for those you preach.
I started feeling it may be easier to give da'wa to muslims, who are eager to listen or to those who atleast respect the information and you generally have a soft spot for loved ones and Muslims in general- but what about non-muslims? Now, since i'm a female active da'wa to non-muslims is not really in my realm of responsibilities but for all those for whom it is, this may help. It was a little unimaginable, for me atleast, to have real concern (of akhirah) for my non-muslim grocer/neighbor/bus driver and i was praying to Allah that i somehow develop this well-wishing attitude. You know what helped? and this is ironic - da'wa. yep! i recently handed a da'wa CD to a neighbor who i am not all that fond of and i didnt even realise it till weeks later that i dont dislike him as much now. SubhanAllah, that is the power of Da'wa.
FINAL LESSON: Spread the word and it will soften you heart, Inshallah!!
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
Fast & Furious
I was just explained a verse in the Qur'an quite differently and felt i should share the wisdom :)
Surah Aale Imran Verse 114 defines the attributes of the "Saaliheen" (pious do-gooders) and it mentions wa-yusaari'oona fil khayraat - those who rush towards doing good. Its fairly simple to understand, but like i said i was given a different perspective on it.
1. Those who do good for the sake of Allah, cannot procastinate and be lazy - they need to be fast. They cant dilly dally, they need to run! Procastination doesnt get results, doesnt demonstrate determined behaviour. Hence we should take another advice from the same surah; to follow through in the path of Allah when we have decided to do something.
2. When you are not working in the way of Allah, or striving in His way - you still manage to spend the day and say "I got no time". So when you ARE working in His way, you defiinitely will be rushing because now you have to accomodate the same day where had no time and add what you are doing now!
See told you it was different. SubhanAllah! May we be of the Fast and the Furious Saliheen Ameen.
Surah Aale Imran Verse 114 defines the attributes of the "Saaliheen" (pious do-gooders) and it mentions wa-yusaari'oona fil khayraat - those who rush towards doing good. Its fairly simple to understand, but like i said i was given a different perspective on it.
1. Those who do good for the sake of Allah, cannot procastinate and be lazy - they need to be fast. They cant dilly dally, they need to run! Procastination doesnt get results, doesnt demonstrate determined behaviour. Hence we should take another advice from the same surah; to follow through in the path of Allah when we have decided to do something.
2. When you are not working in the way of Allah, or striving in His way - you still manage to spend the day and say "I got no time". So when you ARE working in His way, you defiinitely will be rushing because now you have to accomodate the same day where had no time and add what you are doing now!
See told you it was different. SubhanAllah! May we be of the Fast and the Furious Saliheen Ameen.
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