Wednesday 1 February 2012


When a person enters Islam, after having spent a considerable part of their lives as part of other faiths or cultures; they are vulnerable. Its natural, if you think about it really. To me (born muslim) they may seem very strong for having taken such a strong step... but you must understand the step was the easy part - the real challenge lies ahead. Normally when we come across a new muslim, we get all excited and start bombarding them with questions and giving them advice. Its true that its an eman booster to meet a revert, yet dont you think how weak we are as Muslims that we are seeking strength and motivation from a person who has just entered Islam!!? We should be able to offer moral support and strength to our new brother/sister, instead we only have advice for them what to do and what not do. Who made you the spokesperson anyway?! And this is not my opinion, i have heard multiple reverts complain how some of the things we (born muslims) say are so insensitive. We dont realize that these people are at a very tentative stage in their life - like a baby, if you may. They need to be nurtured and protected and supported. Please, dear (born) muslims, be considerate of this when you meet a new Muslim next time. Offer them support and kind words, not personal questions and advice.


  1. did u write this after meeting sister fatima this afternoon, if yes then i feel the same way :)
