Friday 24 February 2012

The Human Spirit

My heart feels so heavy that words fail me... I've been reading survival stories of my sisters and it aches to know how much these women have suffered. I'm not even talking about your run-of-the-mill difficult childhood, broken family, abusive relationship kind-what these women have suffered is major trauma, beyond words. What amazes me is how they are here and telling their story, to possibly reach out to others in the same situation and in a lot of cases it is cathartic for them. They are serving the deen, by serving humanity for the sake of Allah SWT and they carry hope in their hearts. This is the human spirit - Allahu Akbar - battered but not broken, pummeled but not down: an enigma to modern science.
How great then, is the One who created this spirit? Think about it every time you read something similar.It is through His mercy, these women have the sanity to continue living a life of Iman and I'm certain He will bless them with serenity in this life and high ranks in the hereafter Insha Allah. I'm praying for you girls!
I must pray for patience, gratitude and hope for myself too.

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