Friday 7 October 2011

Wierd but True! Part 1

So this is part 1 in a series about my experiences with the niqab that are Wierd but true :) and above all could be loosely classified as da'wah.
I goto the bank to deposit a cheque (check for you Americans!). I hand in my driver's license for identification and the teller tells me oh you're so beautiful, is that why you cover your face? Im caught between feeling embarassed and puzzled as how to quickly answer this bizarre question. I laugh it off nervously. She tells me, all Muslims dont wear this - why is that? Oh my God, did she just ask me a fiqh question?? So, i politely say its a matter of personal choice and i like to do this (pointing to my face). Refer to my note about pre-thinking situations so you arent caught off-guard. I definitely was! (
I exit the bank wondering, should i feel flattered that she complimented me? Ummmmm, a question that was to be answered in the coming months as i was to soon find out people LOVE telling you that you are beautiful as a way to compensate for the "oppression". And what a sexist remark to make anyway - ok so its either that im sooo beautiful that i feel the need to cover or that i'm sooooo unattractive that the world cannot bear to see me! Do these people not hear themselves? Ugh! disappointed in the standards the world has set to judge by appearances!

Wierd but this space for more.

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