Monday, 11 July 2011

Push yourself

This one's more for me than you, honestly. I just read something - if you are working for islam and you are burning out then something is wrong with your intention! SubhanAllah. I'm still trying to educate myself but i know this is the path of Allah and in it I cannot burnout. When you think, this is it, thats enough on my plate - PUSH YOURSELF! Inshallah you will surprise yourself. That being said, you need to surround yourself with people who can build you up emotionally. If that core group is not immediately available, then work on yourself to keep out the negativity that may surround you.
We are instructed to look up to people higher than us in taqwa. If you know such people, they will always push you to do more, to test your limits. Laa yukallifullaha nafsan illa wus'aha (2:286) - look it up for translation. :)
You and i will only short change ourselves when determining our limits but not Allah, who created us.

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