Monday, 25 July 2011

Khushu' in Salah: III

One very important thing we must ensure prior to starting our salah is to observe proper covering. Not only is this an etiquette for standing in front your Lord, it will also serve to increase your Khushu' Inshallah. Prior to starting we must see if our clothing covers our satr and how easy it is to move in. The actions of the salah are not new to us, neither are salah timings a surprise; hence we must ensure that we are appropriately dressed. Imagine standing in front your boss at work, or someone respected and fidgeting with your clothes? You would never. Just think - we are presenting ourselves in front of THE Boss.
Another thing is to give each act of the salah its due haq- what that means is; when you go in ruku', say the tasbeeh slowly and properly. You hands must be on your knees, your head must be aligned with your back; this position must be fully observed before moving on to the next act. Then, when you stand in qauma; thats where you say Sami Allahu liman hamidah - it must look like you have stood up striaght and not like you rushed from your ruku to your sujood.
Between your sujood, ensure you sit back up properly. As the prophet saw said, till each bone is back in its place. Most of us dont even sit half way up, just go back down for our second sajdah. Kindly observe the rules of jalsa. Like so, give each act its due haq! Inshallah this will serve to better or increase your Khushu' in Salah

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