Friday, 22 July 2011

Khushu' in Salah: Wudu

Salah begins with wudu; hence to attain khushu in salah, we need to attain khushu in wudu. Here are some fard (obligatory)and mustahhab (preferred) elements of wudu.

1) Niyyah to make wudu
2) Wash your face inclusive of rinsing you mouth and cleaning out your nose - once
3) Wash  your arms -once
4) Masah over your head inclusive of cleaning your ears
5) Wash your feet - once
6) Do it in this order only

1) Do miswak before wudu
2) Wash your hands uptil your wrists thrice
3) Repeat act 2,3 and 5 thrice
4) Rinse your mouth with your right hand and clean out your nose with your left hand

Say Bismillah (just that, not bismillahir rahmanir raheem) before beginning the wudu. This is obligatory in the view of some scholars while others consider it preferred.

We all probably do all of it anyway, but knowing is important, so if the need arises we can perform just the obligatory; for eg if there is a shortage of water, if you are in a public place where you cant be elaborate, etc  Also while we are performing preferred acts consciously and for the sake of Allah's pleasure and in the footsteps of our beloved prophet saw, i feel we most certainly renew our imaan.

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